Oh My GOSH!!!!!

I took the Concentrated Ormus last night and for the first time in months I didn't have this severe  throbbing aching in my legs!  My husband Nelson has a loose tooth and it was hurting him last night, so he used the toothpaste, and drank the Concentrated Ormus.   Then he put the tooth paste around his tooth for the night.   His tooth immediately stopped hurting.

I also quit taking it because I felt Nelson needed it more than myself.  But I will tell you since I quit, the aching has come back into my legs something fierce.  Shows you how good this product is.  Have a wonderful day!

This is very exciting.

Hey William,
I absolutely love your tooth paste.
It is now my favorite way to take Ormus!
This is truly an amazing product.
This is the mostrevolutionary toothpaste ever! 
I just ordered 2 more tubes because my girlfriend stole the one I just bought! 

Cheers -Tom
Tom Cushwa

Dear William,
Thanks for the fast shipping! Your toothpaste is just amazing, I love it already! The taste is really pleasant.

I have used it since it was in the sampler and I have managed to decrease some white spots on my teeth. 

I have quite badly worn out ends of the teeth and demineralization, I think, it has improved, since I have used your toothpaste.

I first brush my teeth and then brush some of the toothpaste to the teeth, to leave it there overnight. Diana 

Lady Lark Superclean Triple Mint Ormus Toothpaste!!

I've been looking for the perfect toothpaste and I think I've finally found it!  Formulated by William Bull of OrmusTech, every ingredient in Superclean has been chosen for a specific purpose and carefully combined with the other ingredients to produce a safe, synergistically powerful and effective tooth and mouth cleanser.

It's not only good for the teeth it also helps to balance the oral flora!  It's all natural, nothing artificial and made from the highest quality ingredients available anywhere on earth.  No flouride or glycerine, fillers or colors.  Made with 25% Pure Ormus Concentrate and ingredients from Mother Nature.  It's so refreshing to my mouth and I'm sure you will like it too!!

Lady Lark 

Super Clean Triple Mint ORMUS toothpaste

I want to congratulate William from ORMUS Tech for creating such a fine product.

I was happy to use this toothpaste because it's an ORMUS product and I believed it to be at least every bit as good as any health-food store brand, but I didn't expect it to be quantitatively superior as well.

My 8oz bottle of toothpaste is a little more than half empty and I've had it months and months. I don't recall when I got it but it's been quite a while so it LASTS! That's important to know when you make an $16. investment for toothpaste.

It's obvious that it's a better dollar value than anything mass produced.

Now..... I don't know when I first noticed that my teeth were whiter but I know I stopped complaining to myself several months ago. Before, I would look in the mirror and grumble to myself how yellow my teeth are. Looking back it was part of my 'routine'. I've used 'whitening' toothpastes, but they didn't work. I thought about using whitening strips but I didn't want to subject myself to those chemicals.

Then yesterday two things happened:
I actually admired how white my teeth are AND I suddenly realized that I haven't grumbled for a really long time. I don't recall the last time I complained to myself about my yellow teeth. And now I know that's because they've been getting whiter and whiter all along! I'm sorry , William, that I didn't take before and after photos, but I wasn't expecting this, however if you add a testimonial page to your website you can add my testament (with my name) to it.

I also love your ORMUS too. Someone on this list was asking for ORMUS that isn't salty and that's one thing I like about your product. It actually has a sweetness to it.

I first tried it at Enota in May of '11 when Chris Emmons (author of the book "ORMUS Modern Day Alchemy") shared some with me.

I found I was craving it because I kept going back to her for more. Sweet energy to it as well.

Your toothpaste performs every bit as well as I could ever want from any toothpaste product, and it certainly out performed my expectations.

I just had to share this with everyone because it's those little miracles in life that catch us off guard and mean so much.

Warmly, Sharon www.BlueRoseEssentialOils.com
510-529-9027 (9-5 daily, Pacific time) 

Bill-- How is life?
I am using your toothpaste and loving it.
What is new with you????

Oh I want more of your Ormus--do you want me to send you a check or go through Pay pal??? 2 bottles--

I am so proud of your work. Keep in touch.

Chris Emmons RPh
Key Largo, Florida
Author: Member of the International Alchemy Guild Master Alchemist-Essene/Egyptian Traditions, Author/ Member of the Global Ormus Community "Ormus Modern Day Alchemy": Primer of Ormus Collection Processes Reference Edition www.ormusbook.com

From the Yahoo Ormus forum

Hip, hip hooray for TripleMint Toothpaste!

Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:06 pm (PDT) . Posted by: "Sharon Rose" roseswrite

A short while ago I was talking with another long time ORMUS enthusiast and he told me he just got back from seeing the dentist. He was pleasantly surprised that his check up was perfect - no cavities and his gums were better too. This surprised him because there's always been a problem every time he's been to the dentist. He was particularly concerned this time because he's been using a non-fluoride toothpaste for 4 months - ORMUSTech's Triple Mint Toothpaste. He stuck with the dentist recommendations because he thought he was prone to cavities. Now he knows!

I'm grateful to William Bull for providing this wonderful toothpaste. It's a blessing I indulge in daily. Because I value this product I was pleased when he agreed to offer his toothpaste for the recent Alchemy Sampler.

On the tagline of William's emails, he reminds us that: You can't make it yourself at this price! Fortunately we don't have to. William does it for us, and far better than we could do. The sweet energy from his wonderful ORMUS is concentrated in the toothpaste. In order to harvest the raw material for his ORMUS, he actually uses a specially made, industrial sized vortex machine mounted on a boat and travels to a specific location to vortex the best of what the ocean has to offer. That is unprecedented.

I wanted to send out a special thank you to William for his support of the Alchemy Sampler, since the last campaign sold out before I could forward a promotional spotlight this great product.

Following are a few testimonials from other people regarding this toothpaste.

Thank you William! We appreciate what you do.


Hello Mr. Bull!

Finally!  I have a short testimonial for you.  I REALLY love the ORMUS toothpaste.  Please, please, please do not EVER stop making and producing it OK?  I will be heartbroken. 

Hands down – your ORMUS Toothpaste is the very best toothpaste I have ever used! Except it is more than a toothpaste; it’s a complete oral hygiene product with the added benefit of ORMUS. I wish I could tell the whole world about it! My teeth are significantly whiter after just 9-days of use! My gums, which are receding, appear fuller with a healthier pink color. In just 9-days! I will NEVER go back to dental products made by Proctor & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, and the rest of those corporate outlaws. I recently learned that Crest toothpaste has polyethylene (plastics) in it! They don’t really care about our dental health; just the bottom line profits to shareholders. Here is the link about the polyethylene and its from a dental hygienist: http://www.dentalbuzz.com/2014/03/04/crest-imbeds-plastic-in-our-gums/ I am truly grateful that you have decided to share your amazing product with us. Thank you!

It's true.  I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!

With Appreciation,

Subject: Ormus Toothpaste
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2015 07:26:27

Hello Fellow Travelers!

Just a quick note to say I order two tubes from the provider who made a post to this list a while back.

I am about halfway through the first tube and all I can say is thank you! This is a great product, both as a toothpaste and as an Ormus. It is minty fresh and leaves my teeth and gums feeling very clean and healthy but also packs quite a powerful alchemical experience as well.

One of the things I've noticed over the last 10 years of experimenting with these substances is that when they contain significant amounts of Ormus I notice my hair and nails all grow about twice as fast as normal. Also the quality of my tears changes in their salt content or quality.... 

What I mean to say is the tears seem less salty but more viscous...

Meanwhile I feel great and my mouth is super healthy! I recommend anyone interested to give this triple mint toothpaste a go!

I for one was most definitely not disappointed! 

I was scraping inside of the container for the last bits of your toothpaste. After I ran out, I bought some Toms w/o fluoride. My mouth is now throbbing subtly. I know your toothpaste is solidly the best. Keep up the good work.


Re: OrmusTech-New HR Ormus Product!

Sun Jul 5, 2015 3:46 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Barry Carter" bcarterigc

Dear Friends, 

You can read more about William Bull's history on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/Ormustech

He has been making ORMUS concentrates since 2006. I have seen many good reports about his products and have had good results with them myself.

Jim developed the HR process and used it on some specific rocks from Eastern Oregon. William Bull has used this process on Azomite. Therefore the product is different compared to the HR that Jim made. Sharon Rose has used both and has posted her experiences on the ORMUS forum. She said that it is a great product.

Most people don't have the skills and patience to make it for themselves. I am very glad that William is willing to make the effort to produce this.

With kindest regards,

Barry Carter 

William Bull has been Making Ormus Concentrates Since 2006

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